Mom and daughter turn Home Depot Tuff Shed into a seriously swanky two story house

It’s pretty impressive what people have been able to do with tiny or unconventional home spaces, but this is truly next level.

A woman named Amanda McCormick (@just_a_glimpse_ on TikTok) has managed to transform a Home Depot Tuff Shed into a house. Like, not just a house…but a full-blown luxury home.

In the clip, which has now been seen upwards of 8.2 million times, McCormick gives us a tour of the two story home (was today the day you learned that Home Depot sold two story sheds? It was for me) with two bedrooms and 2.5 baths.

Get ready to be amazed by farmhouse-y shiplap walls, a kitchen with stunning marble countertops, fancy sliding barn doors, and the real star of the show—an adorable fish shaped bathroom sink!

Unsurprisingly, viewers have been floored.

“Holy hell not even a tiny house or shed anymore that’s a whole HOME,” gushed one commenter. “Probably the coolest shed conversion I’ve ever seen… now this is what I want.”

Another echoed, “Omg it’s giving mini barndominium, and I’m obsessed!!”


That credit apparently belongs to McCormick’s mother. McCormick shared with Upworthy that her parents, who started off living in a 400 square foot house when they first married at 18 years old, saw the tuff shed in the Home Depot parking lot and was instantly inspired to make it into a livable home. Home depot apparently worked with the family to make everything stronger and up to code so that it could safely and legally be used as a house.

While McCormick said that they paid $30k for the 18×36 shed plus a few custom things like the sliding doors, bigger windows, and balconies, it looks like a simpler version of the same size shed would be $22,889. Even if you do add extra fixin’s, you might only be looking at spending an additional $16,448, which Home Advisor says is the national average for renovations. Let’s add to that the cost of a plot of land, which varies wildly depending on what state and area you live in, and the total of those expenses seems to still be drastically less steep than the average house price of $419,200 (looking at you, California).

home interior

Tiny spaces make beautiful homes.Photo credit: Canva

And of course, McCormick isn’t the only shed-to-home success story. Back in 2022, a couple made headlines after paying $60,000 to renovate their own two-story shed home, and then selling it for $275,000. That’s certainly nothing to sneeze at, profit-wise. Just goes to show that whether you’re looking to save money, make a profit, or simply want a very, very hands-on home project, this could be an avenue to consider. So many might be feeling the strain of current home prices, but there is something to be said about getting creative with how you go about creating that home.

By the way, if you’re curious, you can design your own Tuff Shed for free, using Home Depot’s online configurator.

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