Mom tries to keep it together when her 3-year-old daughter demands she help her find a husband

Kids listen to everything parents say, even when their parents aren’t talking to them. You don’t have to be a parent to witness or experience this adorable and sometimes hilarious parroting. A toddler repeating a swear word in their tiny baby voice will almost always fill a room with laughter and a little embarrassment for the parent.

It’s how kids learn about the world around them because parents are their first teachers even when they’re not attempting to be. But there are some things that you don’t quite expect kids to pick up on until a little later in life so it may catch you a little off guard. Tasha Mahachi, a mom of a 3-year-old little girl, Sanaa, found herself slightly confused when her daughter exclaimed that she needed a husband. No, she wasn’t saying the mom needs a husband, she already has one.

Sanaa declared that she wanted her own husband after overhearing Mahachi refer to the little girl’s dad as her husband while speaking to someone else. Explaining why a 3-year-old can’t have a husband to an emotional small child desperate for a husband–a pink husband to be specific.

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Mahachi shared the adorable interaction on her social media page where it racked up over 246K views. In the video, Sanaa is seen stamping her foot, clearly a bit annoyed on repeating the question. Her frustration grows after her mom breaks the news that the little girl doesn’t have a husband.

“I want a husband,” Sanaa whines while stomping her feet before Mahachi asks what kind of husband the preschooler wants. That’s when she reveals the difficult order, “pink.” Yes, Sanaa wants a pink husband. It’s really not too much to ask when you think about it…when you’re three. But the problem really comes into play once Sanaa stops having a small tantrum long enough for Mahachi to inform her that if she wants a husband she will have to go find one outside.

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“I not going outside,” she says while pleading her case, “it’s dark.”

Not going outside would be a bit of a barrier to finding a husband and you can see the little wheels turning in Sanaa’s head as she works out how she will collect a pink husband. So, she does what any three year old would do who wants to go outside, she asks her mom to come with her. Again she’s thwarted when Mahachi breaks the news that moms and dads don’t go outside to help find husbands. The pair have reached an impasse. Viewers couldn’t get enough of the amusing interaction and some could relate to the girl’s dilemma.

“Ma’am go on Amazon and order her a pink husband right neowww,” someone jokes.

“We can all relate. To wanting a husband, to not wanting to go outside to find him, to being scared, oh baby we get it,” another laughs.

“This is what a convo between me and God sound like praying for a husband meanwhile I’m scared to meet new people, I don’t go out and i always take my best friend everywhere,” one person confesses.

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“I’ve never related more to a toddler. Cuz sis I’m also scared & do not want to go outside & also want a husband RN [right now],” another commenter chimes in.

“It’s okay kiddo. I don’t want to leave the house to find one by myself either. It’s scary,” someone else proclaims.

Well, Sanaa, it seems like you’re not alone. Plenty of people want a husband to find them without ever having to leave the house to interact with others. Maybe ordering a pink husband online doesn’t sound so silly after all.

This article originally appeared in January